Thursday, June 11, 2009

fear of death . lost . pain

Abby. I thought of her as I drove my car towards the car porch just now. It’s a tiring day. Not physically tired but mentally and emotionally. She left us last year but every time I thought of her, she seems so close to my heart.

“Tears couldn’t help rolling down non-stop as I got out of my car parked in the car porch walking towards her. Dad covered her body with gunny sack. I never thought I would lose her so soon. Too soon…”

She is a real good buddy. She’s been by my side all the time since we had her in the family. We had so much fun playing soccer together with mom in the garden. She’s seen me through my ups and downs, shared my laughter and tears. I know that I can always share my heart with her as she’s the forever faithful one. Faithful till her very last moments with the family.

The pain of losing her is so great. So real even till now. I weep as I type.